Tuesday, June 10, 2008

It's our Anniversary today - 8 years!

Last night I was thanking God for all of the blessings He has given me. I was thinking about my husband and what a wonderful gift he is to me sent from God. I prayed that I would honor God with the way I treat the gifts He has given me.
I was suddenly reminded about a little story.
One of my sister's friends gave her this little gift. My sister was very thankful for how sweet her friend was to take the time to give it to her and she cherished this friend's friendship very much. Well....She really didn't have a specific use for the gift and it ended up as her dog's chew toy. Several months later her friend came to visit and saw the chew toy gift on the floor and it had apparently "been through a lot" - ...whoops. I don't think the friend was very offended but I thought of this story in comparison to the gifts that God gives us.
Jeremy is one of my most treasured gifts that God has given me. How embarrassed would I be if I knew that God was offended by the way I treated this wonderful gift He gave me?! I'm daily working towards being a better wife for him, being more loving, and loving him more because he is my best friend. (Don't let me fool you, I have a long way to go!)

I was encouraged by my friend, to pray that I see my husband through the eyes of Christ or how Christ sees him. She said it has made a HUGE difference in how she sees her hubby.
I cannot allow myself to think negatively about Jeremy or anything else.
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Cor 10:5
I'm beginning to understand that God asks us to think on pure thoughts because ....
For as he thinks in his heart, so is he... Prov. 23:7

1 comment:

emilymburgess said...

Happy Anniversary! I miss ya'll. I hope you had a wonderful day.