Thursday, April 17, 2008

Seeking Him

I started a blog and then suddenly realized that I was learning a lot of things that I didn't necessarily want to share! Nothing personal of course! so I decided to not worry about posting anything. Well I realized today that I have several things the Lord is showing me so it's time to share again. I'm so thankful to have something to share about!

Seek Him first
He is molding me, He is refining me.
I had a week or so where I had my first lull in my new found relationship with God. I was doing the same things as before and I didn't know why I was not receiving as much revelation from Him. I asked the Lord for a scripture to read when I was not thinking about this. He gave me Psalm 119. I read the chapter and God revealed to me that I needed to seek Him more. Psalm 119 is a whole chapter of just praising God, and loving God, and yearning for more. I realized that I had done that in the beginning and He overflowed onto me so much that I could not keep up. I began seeking Him earnestly in my prayers and I began seeing God in my life and seeing God reveal things to me. What a powerful lesson He showed me!
Mt 6,33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

My agenda
I felt like the Lord told me to seek to do His will first (not my own agenda) and that I need to be available for change and if I do I will be blessed. Well I have an excel spreadsheet (it's long) of all of the things I have to do to get the house "market ready". The Realtor is coming to look at the house on Sunday among several other things that have to be done this weekend! My sister called me today (Thursday) and said "I think I'm coming to see you!" I was THRILLED because she is one of my favorite people in the whole world! But at the same time I was sad because it would put me behind schedule. Then I remembered what God told me a couple of days ago and I was comforted and knew that everything would work out just fine - What am I thinking! Who cares about my schedule! My SISTER'S COMING!

He is comforting me with His word
This house stuff has made our schedules quite hectic. God comforted me and encouraged me by giving me a scripture. 1 Peter ch 5.
Summery of what I gathered from it: Cast all your cares, Be self controlled and alert, Resist the devil standing firm in faith. I felt like He was telling me that He wants my full attention during this busy time. I'm trying to understand better what it means to draw my strength from Him. After my time with Him I certainly felt better and as if He was right there with me, helping me. Thank you God.

Think on what is pure
Do not expose yourself to evil
God is teaching me so much about my thoughts and what I am thinking about. When something doesn't go my way or the way that I think it should go, I need to humble myself and praise His name. I need a lot more practice with this but I know my God is good and He knows better than I do. He is also STRONGLY showing me to keep myself from evil. He has showed me 1 Cor. Ch 5 twice and it's about evil, specifically in the body of believers and how a little yeast can affect the whole batch. -to stay pure.

The importance of words

I was listening to Andrew Womack over the internet for several weeks now on the subject of healing. I am still learning but one of the things Andrew said is how importance your words are. Drawing from this scripture:
Proverbs 21 The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.
He said picture every word that you say being a seed and it's either a seed of death or a seed of life. It really made me think about what I say and if I am bringing life or death with my words. Andrew was saying that how can your words bring healing to someone if you say things you don't mean all of the time or that you don't believe all of the time.
THEN! That night the Lord gave me this specifically this verse:
1 Peter 3:11 Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring?
The whole chapter is on taming the tongue!
9 With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness.
I was blown away. I love it when God shows me things. It's not in a condemning way it's in a loving/refining way. He wants me to have abundance and great joy in Him and this is one way to help me get there.
6 The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body.

"It's hard to be powerful and pitiful at the same time" - Joyce Meyer. Well she was speaking right to me when she said this. Attitude is so important. God gave us the ability to have compassion on someone else and a Godly pity for their suffering. I learned that God intended pity to be given to others not ourselves. Self pity is thinking only of ourselves and not others and by doing it we only make ourselves even more miserable. I struggle with this most when I am tired. I am not as strong against fighting it. What have I got to feel sorry for my self for. I'm the most blessed person I know! Humbling myself and allowing God to handle my situation is much less stressful and I'm also being obedient - what a concept! I've learned that I am being prideful when I worry because I am acting as if there is something I can do to fix my problems. It really doesn't work so well!

Still working on and asking the Lord about: Entering the rest of God, Finding my strength and asking for strength from God, balance in the busy!

1 comment:

Emily said...

WOW God! Thank you for living in Amber and revealing to her these wonderful ways that you work. It does seem so amazing that All day everyday we are confronted by - "do this, do that" - or worse - "Be this, Be that"- It seems unfathomable that YOU-GOD of the Universe desire most that we do nothing to try to please you but look for you, and Be ourselves, the ones You made us to be. It is a life long journey to do just that. Thank you for blessing Amber abundantly, there is nothing better. She is one of my favorite people! But, We know She is not the most blessed person I know. I am. So thanks again just for that. May you continue revealing great things to us both.

This is the prayer of your little girl, Emily, in the name of your perfect son Jesus.